About Don Hartman
I’m Don and I run Screw It I’ll Make My Own Beer (Screw It Beer or SIIMMOB for short). I live in Chicago, Illinois with my wife and have been brewing (more consistently) for four years. Brewing is not my profession, but it certainly is my favorite obsession hobby. I first brewed with friends in parents’ garages in my early 20s, but then took a long break from brewing. When I picked it back up I started brewing one gallon stovetop batches in a one bedroom apartment, which quickly escalated into two gallon batches, then five gallon batches. My biggest limitations were storage (again, it was a small one bedroom apartment and my wife was not about to let me use all of our closet space for brewing equipment and beer storage). Now I have a bit more space so I try to brew whenever I have a spare day on the weekend and there’s room in the fermenter or kegerator.
About the Blog
This blog is all about beer and beer related things. As a lovers of beer, the next logical step is brewing it ourselves. Follow along with our journey and don’t be afraid to reach out and suggest new recipes, methods, experiments, or anything else!